I realised the value of a cable release when I was taking this shot. I realised, because I didn't have mine with me...
Well y'see, I never really use it. I go out for night photography and just accept that I'll use the 2 second timer instead. But, when it comes to timing a bus driving past as the shutter opens, it's... difficult with just the timer.
Lets just say that the cable release is now in my camera bag.
I can't remember the last time I used one of these old phone boxes, or even a new style one. It's a shame really when technology just wipes out so many cool old things.
[Edit] I've decided to enter this into the Photofriday 'Ghostly' challenge, I hope you all like it!.
This is the same flower that starred in Ballet Dancer a while back. I took this a few days back, I initially didn't like most of the shots; but I think this is cool. I used a blue background so the colour shots aren't that great in retrospect. But that background helps a lot when I decided to convert this to black and white.
I wanted to do more with this shot, but it was late at night and a few people close to here walking their dogs were looking at me like I was a terrorist with a tripod. :\
I haven't got much to say about this other than I'm very glad I've got the Olympus wide angle converter for my cam. Yes my cam is a Fuji, but the Fuji branded wide angle converter is only a 0.8x whereas the Olympus goes to 0.7x. It's got some issues with chromatic aberrations in the high contrast areas, but I can live with that - it's just another challenge to overcome!
I shot with with my 0.7x wide angle converter and when I was processing the image I noticed some barrel distortion. I kinda liked it so I've added about another 30% more.
I went to the beach before dawn ths morning, after a crap week for my photography I thought I'd make the effort on one of my days off. The weather was terrible so when it wasn't raining I took a few shots. B&W is the only solution to make something out of this. This is ok, but I wish the sky was darker and had a few nice clouds... oh well.
I took this when I parked up at work this morning. It was pouring down, so before I got out of the car I thought I had to try and capture some of it. I kept my new 0.7x wide angle conversion lens on, even though I was zoomed right out because I wanted to get as much distortion as possible to make it look even stranger.
I like the spots of light in the bottom left, hence the name.
I'm off out, in a bit of hurry, but I thought I may as well post this. Like yesterday's post - it's ok, nothing amazing. Probably just because flowers are soooooooo common on photography that I just get bored easily of them.
This is just about as 'standard' or typical as I'd like to go with the composition of such a common subject. I don't think this is any better than average, but I know it would look nice printed so that's why I took it. It bothers me though that I can't get any more depth of field with this camera. I'd like the petals in the middle to be sharp, oh well.
This is perhaps underexposed too but the detail shows up so much more so I think it looks better.
Whilst out yesterday I bought a couple of flowers, today I had time to take some shots and I have to say... I really like some of them. So perhaps I'll post 2 or 3 here.
Oh and one of my New Year's Resolutions was to start getting to grips with shooting in RAW. I'm glad I forced myself to wait and get used to the camera and photoshop first, but boy oh boy am I glad I've tried it in ernest. RAW is the future even if it means me having to buy a new memory card, 2.5mb JPGs versus 12.5mb RAW...ouch.
It's my birthday! Ok, if you really must buy me a present...I'll have a Canon EOS 20D, and some L series lenses please.
Ok, so perhaps I won't be that lucky for my birthday, but I was lucky enough for my wonderful girlfriend to take me out to Wagamama once again. Very nice food, photo opportunities and of course...company.
I love the big picture of the person slurping noodles that they have on the wall behind the couple reflected in this window. My other pics taken in Wagamama are here and here. Enjoy.
This is a bench that my brother put together one day to help him cut wood (I think). I wanted to use a much smaller aperture than this to try and kep the trees in the background sharp. It was a tad dark though...
I was messing around with a massive maglite torch that I bought my Dad for Christmas, so I walked around the farm at home in the dark with the cam' on the 'pod and took some random shots whilst waving the torch about. No wonder really that some people think I'm a weirdo with my camera!
I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to when I went home for Christmas, I was busy helping to paint a house and the weather was awful. But this was taken late one night in our living room and it's a picture on the wall with the reflection of the tree in it. I don't have any suitable new year type shots... But I think this is a good start to the year.
I'm so grateful to all of you who visit this site and especially when you take the time to leave your comments. I started this photoblog on the 7th of September last year, and I think it's the thing that's changed me most over the recent months. I enjoy it so much and hopefully it will continue to grow and grow, so if you like what you see ask your friends, relatives and strangers on the street to visit me here... ;)
This photoblog is an outlet for me to publish my work and hopefully receive constructive feedback (good or bad). I'm not a diary writing type of person, but I'd like to share the images that I stumble across every now and then. Before September 2005 you can assume all the pics have been taken with a Fuji S7000. My current gear consists of a Canon 20D and various other bits and pieces.
So again, I really appreciate constructive comments, if you love or hate a pic then say why!