I have a camera, and I take photographs. What use are they just sitting on my hard drive? Take a look.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
In The Jungle
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: EF 17-40 f/4L @ 17mm (27mm equiv) Exposure: 422 sec at f/8, ISO 200 Next :: Current :: Previous
The fog has put me off shooting this weekend, so instead I thought I may as well post this.
This was the path to the viaduct in the previous shots. As I walked over this little bridge to get the viaduct, I thought I'd be shooting it on the way back. It was a bit too cold and late, so I popped this one in the can and left for home.
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: EF 17-40 f/4L @ 17mm (27mm equiv) Exposure: 1086 sec at f/8, ISO 100 Next :: Current :: Previous
This is quite similar to the shot from yesterday, but I still thought it was worth posting. The shot here is actually a composite of two shots taken in sequence, so the viaduct is exposed the same in both, but the stars have rotated further in the second photograph. So this makes a kind of 18 minute exposure.
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: EF 17-40 f/4L @ 17mm (27mm equiv) Exposure: 603 sec at f/8, ISO 200 Next :: Current :: Previous
I wish, I wish, I wish I had knocked the ISO down and exposed this for much longer (yes ok Bob!). I didn't see that I had caught the North Star in this shot and I now wish the trails were much longer. Oh well, another time.
By the way, this took bloody ages to process in photoshop. Mostly because I was messing about trying different stuff and reading my trusty photoshop book. The nice thing was, in the end I shut the file down and started fresh and did it all properly in about 10 minutes. I learned some cool new sharpening techniques to bring out the stars, and I'm glad to say I mixed and matched parts of different techniques from the book and added in a bit of my own stuff to get the best result. I think I'm actually starting to know roughly what I'm doing...
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: EF 17-40 f/4L @ 17mm (27mm equiv) Exposure: 724 sec at f/8, ISO 200 Next :: Current :: Previous
I wanted the stars to show up a little clearer in this, but sadly not.
I have a load of pictures of this Pensford viaduct from tonight but it's waaaaay too late and I should be in bed. So this is literally the first shot, I've processed it quickly and slapped it on here. Tell me what you think!
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: EF 17-40 f/4L @ 17mm (27mm equiv) Exposure: 483 sec at f/8, ISO 200 Next :: Current :: Previous
This was shot in Portishead too. It's not quite as good as last night's shot. But still one of my favorites. Oh and do yourself a favour - go and check this out - No Traces. It blows my night photography away, just brilliant.
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: EF 17-40 f/4L @ 17mm (27mm equiv) Exposure: 905 sec at f/8, ISO 200 Next :: Current :: Previous
I haven't posted in a little while as it's been a little manic around here. My girlfriend has gone to live in India to carry out some research for her PhD so we have been running around organising stuff and hence I haven't been shooting much. Now that she's gone I'm really bored... come back soon honey! The solution to the boredom has to be my 20D, so out I went tonight. The moon is pretty full, the sky was clear and this is what I ended up with.
This is Battery Point in Portishead. Kinda strange place to be in the middle of the night, but very relaxing in the moonlight. Starting to get cold over here now though so I shot a few 10 - 15 minute frames and then came home.
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: EF 50 f/1.4 (80mm equiv) with Canon 250D close up lens Exposure: 1/3200 sec at f/1.4, ISO 800 Next :: Current :: Previous
Doh. I really want my next camera to display the ISO in the viewfinder. Even still, ISO 800 is still pretty smooth with the 20D. Especially when processed through Neat Image it comes out great.
The 50mm f/1.4 is a great lens too, super tiny DOF when you want it and super sharp when stopped down a tiny fraction. For this kind of shot it's brilliant.
This photoblog is an outlet for me to publish my work and hopefully receive constructive feedback (good or bad). I'm not a diary writing type of person, but I'd like to share the images that I stumble across every now and then. Before September 2005 you can assume all the pics have been taken with a Fuji S7000. My current gear consists of a Canon 20D and various other bits and pieces.
So again, I really appreciate constructive comments, if you love or hate a pic then say why!